GOBC Truax Field will take place on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, 8 AM – 12 NOON.
Join us for Coffee with the Commander at Truax Field!
Pre-registration closes 12 NOON, Monday, July 1. Due to base access requirements, there will not be an option to register on-site.

Confirmed Speakers:
- Col. Daniel P. Statz, Commander of the 115 Mission Support Group, Truax Field
- Lt. Col. Dave Mattila, Base Contracting Officer, Truax Field
- SMSgt. Katherine Fox, Contracting Superintendent, Truax Field
- Andrew Walsh, ABC Advanced Building Corp.
- Mark Lyons, President/Owner, STATZ Corporation
- Jessica Adams, Manager, Base Supply Center
- Jim Strube, Business Opportunity Specialist, U.S. Small Business Administration
- Tammie Clendenning, Lead Economic Development Specialist, U.S. Small Business Administration
- Parris Weidenbach, Contract Specialist, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- Derek Bodmer, Community Preparedness Coordinator, Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM)
- Jason Scott, Regional Economic Development Director, Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC)
- Aina Vilumsons, Wisconsin Procurement Institute (WPI)
- Kim Garber, Wisconsin Procurement Institute (WPI)
Questions? Contact Michael Steger at Michaels@wispro.org or at (414) 270-3600.